Monday, May 11, 2009

BBA Challenge-Anadama Bread

Our first bread has been baked. It was so much fun and turned out so much better than I thought it would. I was a bit worried because it was so sticky when kneading. I wasn't sure if I added to much liquid, as this is the first time I did everything by weight instead of volume.
It turned out great in the long run. The texture was something so different, a little crunch, but not to "grassy" tasting. I didn't quite taste the molassess as much as I thought I would. Many of the first bakers described it as being a more prominant flavor, I didn't get that.
It was great with honey, banana and peanut butter. Today I had a chicken sandwich on it, and last night Vince made an open faced pulled pork sandwich. It seems like it could be a great overall bread, not just for sweet toppings.
Also it freezes very well, I sliced it first, so that I can pull out a piece here or there.
Overall taste/make it again
Z1/ 9 yes
A1/ 7 yes
A2/ 2 didn't like texture
Z2- liked
Me/ 9 yes

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Jouney Begins-The Bread Baker's Apprentice Challenge

Pinch My Salt has came up with a wonderful idea, which has grown to include over 100 bakers from across the globe. We will, together, bake each of the recipies in Peter Reinhart's book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice.
Though my baking experience if very limited, Here I go anyway. What a great and tasty challenge. I am looking forward to "working" with and learning from these wonderful new friends, and making a tasty new loaf each week.
Check back for pictures, comments and the overall experience of the journey.